Spring is not far off. For some it's a time when seasonal allergies come to the surface causing itchy eyes, runny noses and headaches. At this time of year people with seasonal allergies usually reach for antihistamines and various over the counter remedies. But there is another way to treat this irritating condition without drugs. Acupuncture can be used as a natural alternative to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.
In a study, published in Feb19 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, scientists recruited 422 people with seasonal allergies and assigned them into three groups. One group received 12 acupuncture sessions over 8 weeks. Another was given sham acupuncture and the third group no treatment at all. Each group also had access to an antihistamine.
After eight weeks, the acupuncture group had a greater improvement in their symptoms, compared to the other groups. It was also noted that the acupuncture group used the antihistamine less frequently.
In terms of acupuncture allergies are seen as an underlying imbalance. Acupuncture aims to bring the body back into balance with a treatment that is specific to your needs.Your acupuncturist will tailor a treatment plan according to your symptoms.
So, now is the time to "spring" into action and tackle those symptoms before they take hold.
Get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about how acupuncture could help you. Conveniently located 3 mins from Leicester Square and Covent Garden tube in Central London and Shoreditch station in east London.